Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Mon, 07 Oct 2024 23:57:00 +0000 Boilerplate for building API products #SaaS #API An Application Programming Interface(API) product is where the consumer is usually a developer who uses our product to perform a task within their own product to save cost and time in building it themselves.<br><br><div>Just like when building any SaaS product, A boilerplate ( /problems/345 ) is useful for reducing the time and effort in building our API product. But unlike a SaaS product, We need limited number of features as an API product doesn't usually have complex front-ends.</div><div><br></div><div>Namely,</div><div> <ul><li><span class="css-901oao css-16my406 r-poiln3 r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0">user management</li> <li><span class="css-901oao css-16my406 r-poiln3 r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0">api quota &amp; pricing</li> <li><span class="css-901oao css-16my406 r-poiln3 r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0">&nbsp;security</li> </ul></div><div>But there seems to be a <a href="">need-gap in boilerplate</a> for building API products, As available ones seem to be built for typical SaaS products and thereby charge more for the features we don't need and the reasonably priced ones seem to be unreliable(Which matters a lot since our customers depend on our API to run their business). <br></div> 3 points posted by Abishek Muthian /problems/410-boilerplate-for-building-api-products-saas-api 410 Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:36:00 +0000