Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Mon, 10 Feb 2025 00:11:00 +0000 Remote Daycare for Children #remote #childcare Now that almost all of us are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, single parents are facing a tough time in taking care of their children and their work at the same time.<div><br></div><div>I'm unable to focus on my work and especially conference calls when having a hyperactive young child besides me. Since, we are all trying to follow physical distancing; there is no question of allowing a baby sitter from outside.</div><div><br></div><div>I was thinking if a remote daycare i.e. someone trusted (like those who are already working in daycare centres) could monitor the child via Skype or Facetime and engage them with games, videos etc. So that the parent can do their work in peace.</div><div><br></div><div>I expect this to be a need gap faced among single parents with no help all over the world, if so I would like to hear your story and solutions.</div> 3 points posted by Angela Hemsworth /problems/104-remote-daycare-for-children-remote-childcare 104 Mon, 30 Mar 2020 09:18:00 +0000