Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Fri, 13 Dec 2024 00:13:00 +0000 Challenge platform for non tech graduates #jobs #skills There are number of platforms for tech graduates to show their skills via <a href="">hackathon</a>, <a href="">competition</a> to get recruited. But there are no such platform for a non tech graduate or for someone who has non technical skills in general such as agriculture, cooking, sales, marketing, accounting, communication, research, writing, travel, fashion, art, design (non-digital) etc. to showcase their skills for getting recruited.<div><br></div><div>I think its high time cookathons, saleathons, writeathons etc. for non-tech fields is conducted to connect the skilled with those who are looking for them. My wishful thinking is that this should encourage even those without proper degree or formal education in those fields should be encouraged to participate if they have necessary skills.</div><div><br></div><div>This sounds like a true problem, but one reason for why this hasn't been taken up or solved yet could be because the majority of those who are facing this problem are jobless and entrepreneurship is the last thing which comes to mind when someone is not having any money.</div> 5 points posted by jobseeker /problems/48-challenge-platform-for-non-tech-graduates-jobs-skills 48 Mon, 04 Nov 2019 16:39:00 +0000 No job opportunities for self-taught programmers #programming #jobs I've been learning a lot of programming (full stack development) and while checking the job boards, most jobs will require you to have a CS degree, which many programmers don't have and it will be a disadvantage once they begin applying for jobs. Since most people can't afford to go to college once again, it will be difficult for a person to acquire a CS degree so they can have that kinds of advantages in the real world. 1 points posted by rgm48 /problems/364-no-job-opportunities-for-self-taught-programmers-programming-jobs 364 Tue, 15 Mar 2022 19:25:00 +0000 Don't know how my job applications are going #jobsearch #employment <p>Hey, I've been a SWE for a few years now and have applied for a lot of positions since deciding to move over from the civil service (100+ applications). I find this process just hugely inconsistent and it's really hard to manage because all the companies have their own special process so a spreadsheet doesn't really work. So I really want to be able to see how all of my applications have gone and do stuff like order the companies by the amount of face time they gave me in my job search process. Does anyone know something that will do this for me?</p> 1 points posted by camjw /problems/253-dont-know-how-my-job-applications-are-going-jobsearch-employment 253 Fri, 25 Jun 2021 08:29:00 +0000