Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:55:00 +0000 Alternative to Pinterest and TikTok #socialmedia #mobile Hi, probably everyone has had the problem of the image being too small when using Pinterest. We have developed a mobile app to view the image for fun and inspiration. It's basically like TikTok, only with images. It's mainly for entertainment, so it doesn't really solve the problem.It's mainly for entertainment, so it doesn't really solve the problem. You can download mvp on our website: 1 points posted by Rustam /problems/424-alternative-to-pinterest-and-tiktok-socialmedia-mobile 424 Fri, 30 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000 Notification pollution #mobile #productivity An average US smartphone user <a href="">supposedly</a> receives 46 app push notifications per day. It's highly likely that most of them are distributed during working hours, so if distributed equally an average user is <b>interrupted</b> ~ 3 times/hour during 16 hours when they are awake. This figure is likely higher in some Asian countries, where some apps play integral part in the lifestyle.<div><br></div><div>Science is clear on the effect of notifications on productivity - <a href="">it's bad</a>. Both android and iOS has features to disable notifications for the entire app or by categories, but when it comes to categories the onus is on the app developer to maintain the etiquette.</div><div><br></div><div>I think there is a need gap to impose etiquette on the users as well, considering majority of the notifications are from messaging apps and social networks. Making the user select the category of notification e.g. 'delayed' for a meme &amp; 'immediate' for urgent, emergency communication can help this.</div> 4 points posted by Abishek Muthian /problems/59-notification-pollution-mobile-productivity 59 Sun, 15 Dec 2019 13:46:00 +0000 I can’t use chrome extensions on mobile #chromeextensions #mobile I wish someone could figure out a way to make chrome extensions work on mobile. I know that on iOS, there are share extensions that work with apps. It would be great if there were some way chrome extensions could be turned into apps with share extensions that could be used in iOS.<div>For example, I use Pocket for bookmarks. I use the chrome extension on my desktop and I use the share extension when browsing on my iPhone. In an age when the majority of people are browsing websites on mobile phones, there should be a way to access great chrome extensions on mobile too. </div> 1 points posted by Yocheved /problems/123-i-cant-use-chrome-extensions-on-mobile-chromeextensions-mobile 123 Fri, 05 Jun 2020 01:26:00 +0000