Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:02:00 +0000 Difficulties cashing paychecks #banks #money Inspired by this video:<div><br></div><div>I've noticed many people have trouble cashing their checks on their banks because their processes are very slow and usually leaves to stand in front of long lines. For that reason, going to the bank can be very frustrating to a lot of people going there and therefore, cashing a check can be a nightmarish process for a lot of people.</div> 3 points posted by rgm48 /problems/311-difficulties-cashing-paychecks-banks-money 311 Tue, 05 Oct 2021 15:05:00 +0000 Money counter #cashcounter #money <p>Online tool or app that estimates the amount of cash or money in a stack or pile by looking at or taking a photo from the side. </p> <p>There are a few 'count things' apps but they are terribly confusing to use, terribly expensive, and also not sure if they are enabled to count things of such a small thickness (but I don't see why they couldn't).</p> 1 points posted by jakez /problems/419-money-counter-cashcounter-money 419 Mon, 19 Dec 2022 17:48:00 +0000 Frictions in B2B Forex #money #finance <div>Frictions in consumer to business payments have largely been reduced due to innovative solutions by <a href="">payment gateway and hosts</a> but it remains in business to business transactions.</div><div><br></div><div>Account payable teams of large multinational corporations still rely upon legacy wire transfers for foreign exchange incurring huge transaction fees, delays in receiving the money and often have to visit the bank in person for Forex remittance(In today's remote first world!) . The problem is <a href="">more pronounced when one of the parties is from a developing country</a> and compliance hurdles adds up to this problem.</div><div><br></div><div>So I feel there's large need-gap in the solutions for B2B money transfer.<br></div> 3 points posted by Abishek Muthian /problems/261-frictions-in-b2b-forex-money-finance 261 Sat, 03 Jul 2021 02:26:00 +0000