Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Mon, 10 Feb 2025 00:14:00 +0000 Human memory, lack of thereof #psychology #neuroscience Human memory is overrated, they are weak and fallible. Study shows <b>we tend to think that we will remember something</b> <a href="">important more than we will</a>. <b>False memory can be implanted in someone's mind</b> <a href="">extremely easily</a>, something which marketers, politicians, elements with nefarious intentions have been exploiting for centuries and <b>our brain itself can create false memories</b> to <a href="">cope with trauma</a>.<div><br></div><div>Then there are numerous <a href="">memory biases</a> which clout our judgement leading to undesirable consequences for ourselves and for others around us. </div><div><br></div><div>In-spite of hard scientific evidence that our memory cannot be trusted, our day-to-day life, stability of the society; especially the <a href="">legal system</a> is built upon human memory. We need frictionless solutions to improve human memory.</div> 5 points posted by Abishek Muthian /problems/41-human-memory-lack-of-thereof-psychology-neuroscience 41 Mon, 14 Oct 2019 05:12:00 +0000 Focus drift #cognitivescience #neuroscience In my earlier need gap, I posted <a href="">Getting things done at individual level</a>&nbsp;for which I received amazing responses. But, seeing that all of them are trying to do the same thing i.e. <b>scheduling/time-managing the activities </b>yet none of them seem to solve my problem directly, I started to realise there must be some greater underlying problem.<div><br></div><div>In my case, I think that is <b>focus drift</b>. I think, focus or attention drift is the primary reason for <b>productivity loss</b> for the most. So, time-management apps wouldn't do much if the particular tasks aren't completed within scheduled period due to loss of focus.</div><div><br></div><div>There is a need gap for a consumer friendly solution which can <b>notice focus drift and alert the user to gain their attention back to the task they were doing</b>.</div> 3 points posted by Shinzo Reyen /problems/93-focus-drift-cognitivescience-neuroscience 93 Tue, 25 Feb 2020 12:57:00 +0000