Validate your problems, startup ideas to create products which people want Find your customers by the problem you are solving for them. Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:12:00 +0000 How candidates are selected for interviews #interview #recruitment In current leading job sites, <b>first communication between employee and employer is monotonous;</b> If I see an opening I apply with my <b>stored CV </b>and wait for the return communication from the potential employer.<div><br></div><div>The reason for an employer not selecting the candidate for an interview could be several, but since there is <b>no feedback mechanism</b> at this level the candidate would never know and there is no room for improvement.<br><br>As for the employer, they have to <b>rely upon historical data on CV</b> to make a judgement on whether the candidate is fit for their job interview; they end up loosing lot of <b>time, money in eliminating unfit candidates during interviews</b> and perhaps they might have lost a suitable employee since they did not offer them the interview.</div><div><br></div><div>I think there is a need gap for improving how the candidates are selected for the interviews with <b>very specific job description, transparent recruitment criteria, better ways for a candidate to showcase that they have necessary skills to execute the role, transparent process and feedback</b>.</div> 3 points posted by Zimochrome /problems/62-how-candidates-are-selected-for-interviews-interview-recruitment 62 Thu, 26 Dec 2019 13:33:00 +0000