• Also, the weightage for the frequency of the content gives unfair advantage for News sites.

    There is no doubt that there are problems with the leading search engines, these problems are hard to solve, but they need to be solved to maintain the sanctity on the Internet.

    Case in point: If you search by 'platform to post problems', 'problems to solve' you'll not see this platform in the top results and not even see any useful, actionable results. All you'll get is some article talking about why business should be solving problems by a major media.

    To cut search engines some slack, it may be because of the platform's age and may be not enough back links for this context. But then again, it is the problem we're talking about here; search engines are not context aware and it might change in the future with improvements in Machine Learning.

    If you search 'submit problems for startups to solve'; you'll come across the LinkedIn post sharing the content from the original in this platform in-spite of explicitly mentioning that the original is located here.
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