This is an excellent need-gap, I think the main hurdle would be to create comfortable quick-drying inner-wear as none of the swim wears are actually comfortable.
May be a fast clothes drying machine could solve this problem?
Standard websites that give general information about disability e.g. just having a wheelchair sign, are not always useful to the disabled because disability is different for each person and requires customised solutions. For instance, finding hotels with truly disabled friendly bathrooms is a big challenge. Having websites that provide pictures or videos of disabled facilities / other ways of accessing information about the hotel facilities are essential so that people with disabilities can make their own assessment as to whether the facilities are accessible for them.
A good idea to calculate is to check what your salary is , divide by per day and then multiply by 1.-2 x as you also have to invest time in sourcing clients etc.
I was using this tool for PPPC or you can say Salary conversion here is the the website link: I found it very useful actually it help you understand better.
There's a need-gap for a website which can help those with disabilities to book a holiday where they can enjoy the experience just as much as an able-bodied would.
Interesting concept. I came across a UI-based internal business rules engine years ago in my first job. It was a custom tool, but I always thought that something like that should be built generically and made available to any customer.
Have you thought about building integrations for this? I can imaging that both as an API an SAAS UI integration, it could be useful on marketplaces and app stores ranging from Salesforce AppExchange to WordPress.
Is this app safe to hide all the details of a person using coz he/she might share all her personal stuff to calculate.. also if it's jus a tracker then please include the intensity of damage a person is goin through about their mental health..
The challenge with your solution is it's adding another hardware device that people need to carry. My phone and airpods are always with me. And I often wear my apple watch. How about it buzzes my watch, and speaks the card to me when due?
I've made some significant updates to this, including the ability to build the entire model from provided JSON. I'm hoping this will simplify the process of onboarding an organization to use the app.
I've created an app to help address this need: It lets a developer and business user work together to set up a system where the business user / expert can maintain their own business rules long-term.
Great problem statement, Investors generally do go through due-diligence; I guess in the above cases the usual due-diligence was done away with because the fraudulent startups was well connected?
I want to solve this problem by creating a system that simplifies the process of getting relevant information when creating reports. This is a better solution because:
* It is easy to use
* It takes less time to get the right information
* Allows better inventory management
* Pull out visual charts that explain the current inventory process
* Predict if there is good handling or not according to user parameters
I would start with high paying jobs like developers. Curate the community (companies and applicants) strongly, get the questions right, and then branch out into many other jobs, roles, and industries from there.
Also targeting freelancers from Upwork, Fiverr, and TopTal would be a great launching point to find hungry motivated applicants.
Interesting problem. I wonder who would need this the most.
However, I believe the solution would be as simple as scraping the data and putting it all into a plugin, that autocompletes the current or updated social handle for the company.
Maybe a little ai could help with that autocomplete process.
Also maybe celebs and public figures could eventually be included to circumvent the horrible trend of paid verification that Elon and Twitter has started.
So basically a database of verified handles that works on multiple social networks. Ensures you at and interact with official accounts not fraudlent ones.
I can see this blowing up especially right now again because of Twitter Blue.
I think the solution would have to include some sort of logistics where a last mile delivery driver can pick up a return when in the area dropping off a package, meal, or whatever.
Think like how the mailman delivers mail to our homes but at the same time if you put your red flag on your mailbox up, they will grab whatever mail is inside and deliver it to the post office for you.
So that but for packages.
A few things to consider would also be, how often are frequent are these returns needed, and what is the value of these returned packages on average, and if there is a way to generally know the value of the package or what is being returned exactly.
I guess it will depend on the level of precision needed. Why have a money counter that "almost" counts exactly how much money you have. Because you'll then need to go back and more precisely count anyway.
There are some software/hardware cheat devices used in poker gambling that can accurately count a deck of cards and the order just from scanning the side. But I'm sure the way it works wouldn't apply to regular un-altered cash bills. Here's a link to the A7 poker analyzer device I'm talking about:
Maybe there's some overlap in creating a software and minimal hardware product to count cash from this product.
Google's paper on "Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation" - shows generating simple YouTube videos with just text prompts is going to be a reality soon.
As a solution, I made a prototype in which you can check the professors available to you in your area, a chat option to use when we want to talk with said tutor and a profile showing your topics you want to understand better.
As a solution, I made a prototype in which you can check the professors available to you in your area, a chat option to use when we want to talk with said tutor and a profile showing your topics you want to understand better.
There is a website where users share the meanings for songs - . Perhaps creating a playlist out of it for different categories could address this need-gap.
Counting money requires precision; Phone camera, Image processing/edge detection algorithms is not at the level to precisely estimate the amount of cash from the stack.
Are you sure? I find this very hard to believe. There are apps that attempt to measure things from a photo or in real time down to thousandths of an inch.. surely in controlled conditions they are plenty capable of 'estimating' an amount of something with such a uniform thickness..
Click the 'permalink' besides posts and comments to see the date.
I've made the date visible only in permalink because many times I've seen people hesitate to post their solution to a problem if the problem is old not realizing the concept of problem validation.
Explore the site further, read the guidelines and if you have any more suggestions please post in the meta as mentioned in the guidelines.
But Ghost is not straight forward to setup, Especially for a non-technical person. I think they have no incentive to make is easily self hostable as they sell hosting services with it.
Btw, I have create to address this; Read my other comment for more details.
I'd beg it's easier for someone who's already involved in programming and/or development at one level or another to learn new things in the space versus someone brand new. They've already got the conceptual understanding of how software works.
Especially if they're currently involved in Java. Unless we're talking folks who are near retirement age and don't have the desire to learn new skills. Then it could become cumbersome and a career change probably isn't in their deck of cards.
I've been helping some of my friends who have CS degree but have been working in Mainframe for over decade with course materials for learning full-stack development, It's been hard for them to empty their cups. Migrating from COBOL to a high-level programming language seems like a tall ask and one needs tremendous motivation and environment to make it happen.
I agree that it would be comparatively easier for someone struck with Java or .Net legacy systems, But they would still need to re-wire their brains to make a successful switch.
As a solution, instead of making users download a software, I could make a website that makes all processes of HR in one place and it is not necessary to install anything since it doesn't require to download any kind of software, just sign in and you can do anything you want.
Who needs this is people working on HR trying to do simple tasks on their computers, but can't due to the computer system's inefficiencies.
I guess most legacy enterprises have some form of on-premise HR software which haven't been updated in ages, But new age startups already have all their HR tools on the cloud.
May I know if you are looking for a hardware-only solution (Like Routers themselves having this feature, but these kind of routers can get expensive) a software solution (this might involve running some server/software on the owner's computer and keeping it running, and making use of it; Though this can probably be simplified using code, but still it is a operational burden) or if you are looking for a low cost hardware package (Like pre-configured custom built Raspberry Pi, but still there is some initial cost associated with it)?
I myself run my routers with open-source aftermarket firmware, host encrypted DNS server locally with blocklists and don't share WiFi access to the guests (or) if required do so via a VPN; But all these requires some level of technical expertise and is out of reach to those who don't have it hence the need-gap.
I was told NextDNS offers some form of simple WiFi sharing, I haven't tried it myself but I guess such SW based solution to provide network security to those without technical expertise should be a good start.
When I was 32, I was told that my bones were like that of an 80 year old. I have built a web application to track bone health and monitor treatments for those like me. No sign-up, No personal data collected, Completely Free and Open-Source - .
I meant you should use Obsidian and try out its tag feature to judge whether this problem is worth solving before going into the technicality which would involve some NLP.
Posts are for problems alone, Explain the problem in detail and then user comments section to explain what you have created as per submission guidelines.
You have two options. The cheap option is to buy Office 365 Essentials and most of that stuff is included in one form or another apart from the accounting software. The second is the super cheap Zoho which has a free option for each one of their products including accounting software. Alternatively you can have access to their entire stack for $35 per month so I think there are options.
Cloudflare, A web security firm and one of the largest users of captcha has announced that they are moving away from captcha - in favor of background detection mechanism called Turnstile to present the challenge as a final resort.
A solution for live recommendation would involve heavy computation, So it definitely cannot be local. Users who need live recommendation should be willing to upload their notes to a cloud service and then have good Internet connectivity to use the feature.
I personally feel these compromises are fair considering the major productivity gains from a live recommendation system, Do you feel that way?
Hi there, I made my own chrome extension habit tracker called ConsistenSea. I went for the minimalist approach and made everything as simple as possible. No extraneous features, just simple timer-based habit tracking. Give it a try if you'd like, it's totally free!
A tool which enables following Twitter threads could potentially enable even those who don't have a Twitter account to get updates from Twitter threads.
I believe even a Non-Profit aimed at creating awareness and bringing free International education content to the students from marginalized communities would be a worthy endeavor.
But that non-profit would be working against for profit companies that would have more resources, ya know? I think Khan Academy is such an outlier for the success and resources a non-profit can attract.
I wanted to read an article in the economist associated with their podcast, I got some details from the podcast description(There were no links there). Here are the results from different search engines -
DDG, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is a 2020 article about how proteins fold [], Related to my query but not the result I wanted.
Brave Search, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is a 2019 article about Deepmind and Google with a mention of protein folding [], Not the result I wanted.
Google, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is from Aug 2022 titled "How artificial intelligence cracked biology’s biggest problem" [], Which was exactly what I wanted.
In this case Google got me the best result purely because I wanted the latest result, But the results from DDG might have better content and the podcast article links to it.
Before humans stored memories as zeroes and ones, we turned to digital devices of another kind — preserving knowledge on the surface of fingers and palms. Kensy Cooperrider leads us through a millennium of “hand mnemonics” and the variety of techniques practised by Buddhist monks, Latin linguists, and Renaissance musicians for remembering what might otherwise elude the mind.
I read the post, we can certainly help you capture images and expose them in Open Graph.
see the advantages of using Screenshots:
- is a tool focused on developers, to be simple, easy to integrate
- I am developed Screenshots with a focus on the API, just calling a url, that means it's very fast to integrate it with any service and also any language
- through a call to our API we receive an image as a result, simple as that our API supports various parameters such as sizes, quality and even the load event, so you can refine/optimize your Screenshots based on your needs
- our prices are attractive
- I am always available for help with Screenshots
according to your needs, you can be running a service with 2, 3 (as many as you like) agents making the call to Screenshots, saving the images in your store and that's it!
I like the straightforward demo at the hero section of the page without requiring any login or sign-up to try the tool, Nicely done. I will be adding it to my curated list of startup tools at soon.
This is interesting. I think as you've said the real problem is not the accessibility of the things to themselves, there are thousands. The difficult part is making a choice. If the app were to present a limited selection of vetted, definitely worthwhile activities (say 3 per day, or 10 per week) that you could book in one tap, no forms, that would be quite fun.
A difficult part I see is the huge range of interests people have. If you present salsa dancing, comedy and dinner, would you have enough range? The difference with meal kits is that everyone eats and most people enjoy eating most things. If the app to were recommend a concert as one of the 3 options, it would be very unlikely to match my musical taste.
A lot of people enjoy a regular commitment to something as well, becoming part of a community and benefitting from the investment made in attending something regularly. You wouldn't be able to get that with this.
Hey Can you share some no code App Development platforms available.
This is an excellent need-gap, I think the main hurdle would be to create comfortable quick-drying inner-wear as none of the swim wears are actually comfortable.
May be a fast clothes drying machine could solve this problem?
VLC media player is going to introduce AI generated subtitles - .
I wonder whether there's a need-gap for a weblate, just for movies. Weblate already supports subtitle files - .
Standard websites that give general information about disability e.g. just having a wheelchair sign, are not always useful to the disabled because disability is different for each person and requires customised solutions. For instance, finding hotels with truly disabled friendly bathrooms is a big challenge. Having websites that provide pictures or videos of disabled facilities / other ways of accessing information about the hotel facilities are essential so that people with disabilities can make their own assessment as to whether the facilities are accessible for them.
A user script or an browser add-on to display the aircraft type near the flight number on the booking websites could be straightforward solution.
I am working on this myself with a precision cooling approach!
Sounds interesting, can you explain more about what you're building?
A good idea to calculate is to check what your salary is , divide by per day and then multiply by 1.-2 x as you also have to invest time in sourcing clients etc.
I was using this tool for PPPC or you can say Salary conversion here is the the website link: I found it very useful actually it help you understand better.
The Youtube Transcript Search chrome extension does exactly what you're looking for.
There's a need-gap for a website which can help those with disabilities to book a holiday where they can enjoy the experience just as much as an able-bodied would.
I came across Procyon from UL (makers of PCMark, 3DMark) which seems to offer some basic AI benchmarks.
Interesting concept. I came across a UI-based internal business rules engine years ago in my first job. It was a custom tool, but I always thought that something like that should be built generically and made available to any customer.
Have you thought about building integrations for this? I can imaging that both as an API an SAAS UI integration, it could be useful on marketplaces and app stores ranging from Salesforce AppExchange to WordPress.
Is this app safe to hide all the details of a person using coz he/she might share all her personal stuff to calculate.. also if it's jus a tracker then please include the intensity of damage a person is goin through about their mental health..
I guess if this is for daily purpose ... once they get habituated for each task.. will not be used with high frequency
It seems to be an issue there, if you were to use the product, what would help you to keep coming back to the app no matter what?
Which tablet are you using? I use a kobo, for instance and I can imagine it may be possible utilising frameworks such as nickelmenu, etc.
I'm using the Likebook P6, running Android. So I think someone would have to build this function into their Android app.
I built an MVP related to the app, the app is not yet on mobile but you can check it out for free at this link:
The challenge with your solution is it's adding another hardware device that people need to carry. My phone and airpods are always with me. And I often wear my apple watch. How about it buzzes my watch, and speaks the card to me when due?
I agree, I'm working on the next version of Memory Hammer which would make it much more accessible. I'll keep you posted.
I've made some significant updates to this, including the ability to build the entire model from provided JSON. I'm hoping this will simplify the process of onboarding an organization to use the app.
I've created an app to help address this need: It lets a developer and business user work together to set up a system where the business user / expert can maintain their own business rules long-term.
Great problem statement, Investors generally do go through due-diligence; I guess in the above cases the usual due-diligence was done away with because the fraudulent startups was well connected?
I want to solve this problem by creating a system that simplifies the process of getting relevant information when creating reports. This is a better solution because:
* It is easy to use
* It takes less time to get the right information
* Allows better inventory management
* Pull out visual charts that explain the current inventory process
* Predict if there is good handling or not according to user parameters
Any kind of feedback is appreciated, thanks!!
Sounds like an interesting problem to solve, Have you tried any existing inventory management software?
This sounds great!
I would start with high paying jobs like developers. Curate the community (companies and applicants) strongly, get the questions right, and then branch out into many other jobs, roles, and industries from there.
Also targeting freelancers from Upwork, Fiverr, and TopTal would be a great launching point to find hungry motivated applicants.
Interesting problem. I wonder who would need this the most.
However, I believe the solution would be as simple as scraping the data and putting it all into a plugin, that autocompletes the current or updated social handle for the company.
Maybe a little ai could help with that autocomplete process.
Also maybe celebs and public figures could eventually be included to circumvent the horrible trend of paid verification that Elon and Twitter has started.
So basically a database of verified handles that works on multiple social networks. Ensures you at and interact with official accounts not fraudlent ones.
I can see this blowing up especially right now again because of Twitter Blue.
I think the solution would have to include some sort of logistics where a last mile delivery driver can pick up a return when in the area dropping off a package, meal, or whatever.
Think like how the mailman delivers mail to our homes but at the same time if you put your red flag on your mailbox up, they will grab whatever mail is inside and deliver it to the post office for you.
So that but for packages.
A few things to consider would also be, how often are frequent are these returns needed, and what is the value of these returned packages on average, and if there is a way to generally know the value of the package or what is being returned exactly.
I guess it will depend on the level of precision needed. Why have a money counter that "almost" counts exactly how much money you have. Because you'll then need to go back and more precisely count anyway.
There are some software/hardware cheat devices used in poker gambling that can accurately count a deck of cards and the order just from scanning the side. But I'm sure the way it works wouldn't apply to regular un-altered cash bills. Here's a link to the A7 poker analyzer device I'm talking about:
Maybe there's some overlap in creating a software and minimal hardware product to count cash from this product.
A drug that increases dopamine can reverse the effects of inflammation on the brain in depression, Emory study shows -
What job do you have? I'm curious to learning which profession requires people to click on a large number of links from unknown individuals.
Folks, I am creating Open Payment Host - to address the need-gaps in the payments host space.
It's self-hosted, Minimalist, FOSS(MIT) and Dockerized.
No code version is coming soon.
Google's paper on "Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation" - shows generating simple YouTube videos with just text prompts is going to be a reality soon.
As a solution, I made a prototype in which you can check the professors available to you in your area, a chat option to use when we want to talk with said tutor and a profile showing your topics you want to understand better.
Here's the link for the prototype:
Any feedback is appreciated! :)
Sorry for not noticing that I can't make part 2s of a problem, I have not noticed this rule before.
As a solution, I made a prototype in which you can check the professors available to you in your area, a chat option to use when we want to talk with said tutor and a profile showing your topics you want to understand better.
Here's the link for the prototype:
Any feedback is appreciated! :)
Hey, Please post this comment in the existing problem - /problems/308 , I don't see a reason why you needed to create a new problem.
There is a website where users share the meanings for songs - . Perhaps creating a playlist out of it for different categories could address this need-gap.
Counting money requires precision; Phone camera, Image processing/edge detection algorithms is not at the level to precisely estimate the amount of cash from the stack.
Are you sure? I find this very hard to believe. There are apps that attempt to measure things from a photo or in real time down to thousandths of an inch.. surely in controlled conditions they are plenty capable of 'estimating' an amount of something with such a uniform thickness..
Explore the site further, read the guidelines and if you have any more suggestions please post in the meta as mentioned in the guidelines.
I don't think Walmart needs any help generating more revenue..
There is ghost! Which does a similar job
There is an open source shopify alternative named Medusa.
I'd beg it's easier for someone who's already involved in programming and/or development at one level or another to learn new things in the space versus someone brand new. They've already got the conceptual understanding of how software works.
Especially if they're currently involved in Java. Unless we're talking folks who are near retirement age and don't have the desire to learn new skills. Then it could become cumbersome and a career change probably isn't in their deck of cards.
I've been helping some of my friends who have CS degree but have been working in Mainframe for over decade with course materials for learning full-stack development, It's been hard for them to empty their cups. Migrating from COBOL to a high-level programming language seems like a tall ask and one needs tremendous motivation and environment to make it happen.
I agree that it would be comparatively easier for someone struck with Java or .Net legacy systems, But they would still need to re-wire their brains to make a successful switch.
I implemented it for a few SaaS apps and noticed it's the same setup for all of them.
Then I decided to build a solution that anyone can use:
It's pretty cool because it allows you to save ton of time and you won't have to manage any infrastructure.
Interesting, Can you explain a bit more about how you came about with your product and who are your target customers.
There are already tools like -, , which seems to be doing just that.
I can extend to include Twitter to Mastodon sync feature if there's enough need.
Which software is that, Seems like an installation issue with this particular software.
It was Orange HRM, it didn't work using Mac OS. It only works when you are using Windows.
As a solution, instead of making users download a software, I could make a website that makes all processes of HR in one place and it is not necessary to install anything since it doesn't require to download any kind of software, just sign in and you can do anything you want.
Who needs this is people working on HR trying to do simple tasks on their computers, but can't due to the computer system's inefficiencies.
I guess most legacy enterprises have some form of on-premise HR software which haven't been updated in ages, But new age startups already have all their HR tools on the cloud.
May I know if you are looking for a hardware-only solution (Like Routers themselves having this feature, but these kind of routers can get expensive) a software solution (this might involve running some server/software on the owner's computer and keeping it running, and making use of it; Though this can probably be simplified using code, but still it is a operational burden) or if you are looking for a low cost hardware package (Like pre-configured custom built Raspberry Pi, but still there is some initial cost associated with it)?
When I was 32, I was told that my bones were like that of an 80 year old. I have built a web application to track bone health and monitor treatments for those like me. No sign-up, No personal data collected, Completely Free and Open-Source - .
what's the rules for generating ?may be i can make the plugin for u.
Checkout Obsidian and use its tag feature see if adding automatic tag generation would add value to to you before venturing into this.
That is to say, first check the list of existing tags, if the document contains these tags, and if so, add the tag tag, right?
I meant you should use Obsidian and try out its tag feature to judge whether this problem is worth solving before going into the technicality which would involve some NLP.
Better Explained by Kalid Azad uses history behind each mathematical concept to teach math intuitively.
will u like to pay for it and how much will u pay if someone can make it.
Hi, Welcome to needgap.
Posts are for problems alone, Explain the problem in detail and then user comments section to explain what you have created as per submission guidelines.
You have two options. The cheap option is to buy Office 365 Essentials and most of that stuff is included in one form or another apart from the accounting software. The second is the super cheap Zoho which has a free option for each one of their products including accounting software. Alternatively you can have access to their entire stack for $35 per month so I think there are options.
Cloudflare, A web security firm and one of the largest users of captcha has announced that they are moving away from captcha - in favor of background detection mechanism called Turnstile to present the challenge as a final resort.
Rick Wolter has detailed how he became a Software Engineer after 18 years of prison in this podcast - .
It's offers good insights about the need-gaps in this space.
Hi there, I made my own chrome extension habit tracker called ConsistenSea. I went for the minimalist approach and made everything as simple as possible. No extraneous features, just simple timer-based habit tracking. Give it a try if you'd like, it's totally free!
Lenovo has announced wearable display glasses - Glasses T1 which addresses this need-gap - .
A tool which enables following Twitter threads could potentially enable even those who don't have a Twitter account to get updates from Twitter threads.
I believe even a Non-Profit aimed at creating awareness and bringing free International education content to the students from marginalized communities would be a worthy endeavor.
But that non-profit would be working against for profit companies that would have more resources, ya know? I think Khan Academy is such an outlier for the success and resources a non-profit can attract.
In this case Google got me the best result purely because I wanted the latest result, But the results from DDG might have better content and the podcast article links to it.
Would love something like this! There are endless opportunities to expand on it as well. Such as trip planning with friends etc.
Hi Abishek,
I read the post, we can certainly help you capture images and expose them in Open Graph.
see the advantages of using Screenshots:
- is a tool focused on developers, to be simple, easy to integrate
- I am developed Screenshots with a focus on the API, just calling a url, that means it's very fast to integrate it with any service and also any language
- through a call to our API we receive an image as a result, simple as that our API supports various parameters such as sizes, quality and even the load event, so you can refine/optimize your Screenshots based on your needs
- our prices are attractive
- I am always available for help with Screenshots
according to your needs, you can be running a service with 2, 3 (as many as you like) agents making the call to Screenshots, saving the images in your store and that's it!
I like the straightforward demo at the hero section of the page without requiring any login or sign-up to try the tool, Nicely done. I will be adding it to my curated list of startup tools at soon.
thank you Abhishek!
Any doubts or suggestions do not hesitate to write to me.
your page is very well made (
I'm waiting
I think the new trending sort method in Stack overflow fixes this issue.
This is interesting. I think as you've said the real problem is not the accessibility of the things to themselves, there are thousands. The difficult part is making a choice. If the app were to present a limited selection of vetted, definitely worthwhile activities (say 3 per day, or 10 per week) that you could book in one tap, no forms, that would be quite fun.
A difficult part I see is the huge range of interests people have. If you present salsa dancing, comedy and dinner, would you have enough range? The difference with meal kits is that everyone eats and most people enjoy eating most things. If the app to were recommend a concert as one of the 3 options, it would be very unlikely to match my musical taste.
A lot of people enjoy a regular commitment to something as well, becoming part of a community and benefitting from the investment made in attending something regularly. You wouldn't be able to get that with this.
Hey Perry
I built to solve this problem.
Older folks use Facebook, younger ones Snap, but those apps are basically to consume content and the main focus is not events or activities.
Ferris is focused on planing activities with your best friends
- Spontaneous activities like a ☕ coffee on the next break
- Blurry ones like going to the 🍿 movies someday/somewhere next month
- Repetitive ones like going 👟 running during the summer
- Planned ones like a 🎸 concert this Friday
- Free plan (receive unlimited activities, send 8 monthly) Paid plan ($9.99 yearly)
- No ads, no data selling
- Indie
- Invite only
- Privacy-minded
what do you think about ivetime ? ( )
doesn't it solve your problem?
Hi Steven, Could you explain a bit more about how you think ivetime addresses this problem?
Have you looked at, they accept many different payment methods and offer much lower fees than Gumroad.
Thanks for sharing, Can you explain how poof addresses the need-gap with Gumroad?