• Hello everybody 👋 We've built a simple minimalistic app to organize your life.

    It's called Organize Your Life (OYL) 👉🏾 https://oylapp.com

    The idea behind the app is to have it all in one place with a modular approach:

    - Calendar

    - Notes

    - Todo list

    - Meal planning

    - Journal

    - Routines & Goals

    - Movie & Series List

    - Book List

    Those are the initial modules but we may add more in the future.

    We build each module so you can share notes, tasks, meal planning, etc with other "circles" like your spouse or friends.

    There is one main view where you can see all you have to do that day. The idea is to hide everything that can wait so you can focus on today.

    I know there are tons of productivity apps out there, however, I couldn't find one that had all things that we needed and a minimalistic approach.

    We would love to have your feedback.. and feel free to join the waiting list if you like it!


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