• I have a habit of saving interesting posts on Reddit that I find interesting and forgetting about them afterwards. But sometimes I am in need of some certain information that I remember I saw on a post that I had saved, but I have no way to filter that post out of hundreds of others on Reddit itself.

    I came up with this website ( https://saveddit4reddit.herokuapp.com ) that allows me to see all my saved Reddit posts, filter saved posts by subreddits, search some keyword to filter out the post I am looking for and unsave any post that I deem unnecessary.

    The good thing about this website is that it stores no user data on any server or database so your privacy remains intact.

    One limitation this website faced is that only ~900 most recent saved posts can be fetched using Reddit APIs which is not cool. But its still good to have something instead of nothing.

    Hope you find it helpful as well. please feel free to reach out in case you have any feedback or recommendation.

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