• That is a good point, as I tend to do the same. Several thoughts come to mind:

    1. Maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on tracking ingredient quantity. Perhaps it isn't necessary.

    2. During the "recipe making process", some buttons could be added next to each ingredient that allows you to boost / reduce the quantity of the ingredient so it's at least more accurate as to what is actually being used.

    3. When filtering for recipes to make, the suggested recipes could be more "forgiving". Meaning if it thinks you have at least 75% of the ingredients, it could suggest it as an option.

    I like the idea of tracking the quantity of the ingredients on hand as then it provides insight into how much of a recipe can be made. It also opens the door to notifying you when you start to run low on something. But, maybe these aren't important.

    Options 2 and 3 would require manual curation at some point just to make sure the known pantry reflects reality.

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