• exemple there is a new trend from.

    Companies they use zoom to keep relations and engagements with their Customers. But if you a small business and don't know how to make it you will employ or paid someone to make it.

    So it is easy to say that if you know how to organize event for marketing and Customers relastionships you will find a Job quickly even remotly, event if it is temporary you will developp skills tajy are searched .

    But as you could see none of the well know platform nor mooc adapt their content to trends.

    But i could tell that even if makerpad isn't about trend, they were selling course on how to set up your on vide conferencing tool for your companie or for a small business. Some newsletter and self employed teacher shared how to maintain customers relationships with online presence etc.

    I could also tell you that i was following a course about content marketing from coursera. A well rated course. the sad fact is that what this course teachs me on hours, david perell teachs me the exact from 10 seconds reading tweets

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