Alert me when slots in BigBasket is open

posted by Ellakiya Raju , 1732 days ago , show insights

Online grocery delivery sites such as BigBasket to Grofers are operating at 60-70% capacity due to manpower shortage and supply constraints from COVID-19 lockdown. But the demand for online grocery delivery has sky rocketed for obvious reasons.

BigBasket has a slot system, which opens up at random for booking and so I have to keep checking the app for open slots and I'm rarely successful. This activity is very depressing, I have spent several sleepless nights on this already.

I wish, someone could build a solution to alert the users when the slots in BigBasket is available for booking. I'm not sure why BigBasket itself hasn't provided such a feature.

I'm sure this problem is being faced by thousands in India and so a solution for this would be much welcomed.
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