▲ ▼ Tell my Skype contacts that I'm on a Zoom call
When I'm on an important Zoom call, I get a Skype call and it interrupts the conversation. I'm sure you all would have faced it as well.
This can be resolved if there was a way to inform my contacts on different platforms like Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp that I'm on a call in another platform automatically without having to set a status for it individually(As if anyone is reading it before calling) when they call me.
My 5 bucks for anyone who builds a solution for this!
I will also pay for this. Too many time i get a regular voice call that interrupts the Zoom, GoogleMeet , Whatsapp calls.. and what is worst is that if i'm using handsfree, when i get back to videocall, the sound has automatically changed to earpiece/speaker from bluetooth.
Oh right, there are numerous handsfree/bluetooth related issues when one app intrudes another during a call. My bluetooth headset doesn't get picked up by WhatsApp, when it interrupts a regular call and so I have run back to my phone!
Thanks for mentioning it.
This why we need common protocol for communication which could even enable cross platform communication and avoid problems like these. It's not like this is something radical, IM clients had common protocol like XMPP before the companies started to lock-in their users within their platform.
I searched for XMPP, doesn't seem to support video calls? Kind of understand what you are telling by common protocol.
Would any app/software be able to provide this feature by detecting mic/webcam?
My Android/iOS API knowledge is bit rusty, but I think if mic is being currently being used i.e. unavailable we get an error and likely the case with camera. Should be straightforward to do that with desktop operating systems.