▲ ▼ Which platform streams my fav show or movie?
It is not easy for consumers to know which movie/show is streamed by which platform (such as NetFlix or PrimeVideo). This service maintains the list of movies & shows with their platforms for easy search. For this to work, Currently, each platform lists its contents in a searchable manner, whether it is original content or third party. But if a consumer wants to locate which platform has a particular show or movie, there is no easy way (but for a generic search). This service can either do a back-to-back search on multiple platforms, parse the returned value, merge multiple responses and present to the user. Alternatively, it can maintain a local cache/catalogue.
It already exists https://reelgood.com/search?fromAMP=true
I would agree with this ReelGood.com is what we are looking for but it's only available in US and UK. I think most countries that need this services are outside those locations due to very difficult country rules on media. I am in Canada and I constantly have to sift through media that is based on US but I can't have access to that i.e. Hulu, HBO Max etc...
You might be interested in this need gap as well - 'Alert me when Netflix has the movie I want' - /problems/106 .