▲ ▼ Cold chain systems to distribute COVID vaccine
As the vaccine for COVID-19 is on the horizon, world over nations are scrambling to upgrade their cold chain - logistics and supply chain to deliver the vaccine to their citizens when made available.
Vaccines generally require very cold temperatures for storage during distribution. Although several countries already have national vaccination program with cold chain infrastructure, COVID-19 vaccines announced so far have very stringent cold storage requirement of -20˚C to -80˚C making it difficult for distribution even for those countries.
Furthermore, these vaccines consists of multiple doses, so theoretically we are looking at last mile delivery of about at-least 15 Billion vaccines doses for a two dose COVID-19 vaccine.
This raises large need gap in several sectors where startups can participate directly or indirectly namely,
- Vaccine Manufacturing (Optimization).
- Fridge, Freezers (Storage).
- Insulation materials (Temperature control).
- Transportation (Air/Land).
- Reliable temperature monitoring (IoT).
- Inventory management, Distribution management (Cloud software, Database systems)
- Post-Vaccine large scale health symptoms monitoring(Cloud software, IoT, Mobile apps, Encryption).
- Strengthening telecommunication systems to handle the network pressure (Computer Networking, Cyber Security).
This sounds interesting. Do you have any presentation for it?
Sure, I'll post a Business Plan for this need gap at https://hitstartup.com soon and I will let you know when I do that.
Can you explain in detail the individual opportunities within each of the sectors you mentioned?
Hey, I have published Market Opportunity Analysis in COVID-19 vaccination program
at https://hitstartup.com/business-plans/#COVID19-Vaccination-Market-Opportunity-Analysis hope it comes handy to those who are wishing to fulfil these large need gaps.
This is indeed an extraordinary need gap, Air cargo carriers are gearing up for the Vaccine Airlift - https://www.businessinsider.in/thelife/news/inside-the-covid-19-vaccine-airlift-how-cargo-carriers-plan-to-distribute-the-worlds-soon-to-be-most-valuable-drugs-to-market/articleshow/79324551.cms .
Many passenger carriers converted their passenger planes to cargo planes already due to tourism industry coming to a standstill, Now I think more will do that just to transport vaccines.
I'll be glad if the 'Vaccine Airlift' saves some Airlines from going under, looking at the size of the requirement it's likely going to be true.