▲ ▼ Database of Bot IP addresses
If you had run any web-service and checked the logs you would have found constant barrage of logs indicating bots scanning for vulnerabilities by trying to locate PHP, Wordpress, git credentials etc.
These are annoying, consumes resources at best case scenario to actually exploiting our web-service if any vulnerability is found.
I was wondering if there was a central database of these bot IP addresses contributed by public from their logs, we could block these bots from scanning our web servers.
I was wondering if there was a central database of these bot IP addresses contributed by public from their logs, we could block these bots from scanning our web servers.
Relying only on the IP address is not so effective. Antibot Cloud - https://antibot.cloud/ (Antibot, Antispam, Firewall to protect WordPress and PHP websites from bots and threats) solves the problem of bad bots. But it does not decide on the basis of a ready-made IP base, but in real time at the time of the request, it is a bot or a person who decides. The service has been operating since 2017.
These scanner bots use wide range of IP addresses VPS with VPN to hijacked residential IP addresses via hacked IoT devices and routers. So a better strategy is to block the bots by their scanning pattern like you had mentioned.
That makes sense, products like datadome seems to be doing just that i.e. detecting bot through its scanning patterns.