▲ ▼ Royalty free music which is not overused
Royalty free music is often either over-used, or needs complex licensing to use it without copyright strikes. I propose building a SaaS service where you can access music and download and use as much as you need, based on monthly billing. The genres would be varied and you could use the music anywhere - on marketing videos, explainer videos, podcasts, video games, etc
I am a composer and would build it in nocode using Airtable as my framework. There, you could access all files, preview them easily, filter by genre and mood and download and use what you need.
What if you rent out your music to single person/channel/developer on monthly basis? Solving over use
I can understand what SaaS model music delivery can provide to the music producer i.e. sustainable income, Which is good.
But how does SaaS model specifically solve the problem of overuse issue for the consumers? Would each subscriber get unique music each month? If so wouldn't it be nearly impossible to scale unless you generate music algorithmically?
As for copyright issue, E.g. Does YouTube strike copyright claim when consumer 2 uses same royalty free music as consumer 1 in-spite of providing proper licensing details for the music? If so how can that issue be resolved?