▲ ▼ Validating Minimum Viable Product
Platforms like needgap help in validating problems, Which helps us to invest our efforts in building solutions for problems which people want to be solved.
But how to validate the solution we build? Whether it effectively solves the problem for our customers? Whether people are willing to pay for that solution to make it into a Minimum Viable Product(MVP)?
I launched needgap ~ 2 years ago to make validating problems easier, It has helped me and several others build solutions to real problems. I thank everyone who have participated in the growth of needgap and hope you'll continue to support the platform.
As the next step in the validation process, I'm building I will pay for that publicly to solve the problem of validating Minimum Viable Products, What better way to validate MVP than to know whether people are willing to pay for that?
Meta validation for I will pay for that has failed, I've explained the reasons in detail on my public build thread - https://twitter.com/heavyinfo/status/1409563922517037062 .