▲ ▼ Forum for discussing about specific songs
There seems to be a need gap for a forum for discussing about specific songs, where a user can tell about the song they are listening to, what they like/don't like about it.
Current music based social networks like MySpace seems to be more about the music artists rather than the preferences of the music consumers. If you have opinion about this need gap, or know startups solving this problem join the discussion in the comments.
Around 6300 people who have searched for a 'Forum for discussing about specific songs' reached needgap last month - https://twitter.com/needgap/status/1422439242404298752. I wonder whether the pandemic has rekindled interest in music forums.There's not much technical barrier to create a forum, A discourse forum with embedded Spotify player should do. What's crucial is reaching the critical mass, Which would take several years and so the forum needs to be run by those who love music and keep the community's interest on the top.reply I WILL PAY FOR THAT