▲ ▼ No standard structure for building in public
Building SaaS products in public is gaining prominence with builders using #buildinpublic on Twitter on their tweets about what they are building. But the tweets are often disconnected because a random building in public tweet contains very little information about why they are doing what they are doing.
I think this is because there is no standard structure or tooling for building in public.
I've noticed this as well. I did come across https://buildInpublic.com though. But again, that's the closest I've seen to structure.
buildinpublic.com seems to just aggregate the #buildinpublic tweets now but they have something to work upon now. What do you expect in a structure for building in public?
My building in public tweets are in a single thread for the reasons you've mentioned, Someone new to the thread should know why I am building it. But few read the entire thread as social networks by themselves are not primed for long reads /problems/279 .
I appreciate that, I think to start with we need an aggregator which compiles different tweets from the same user regarding their product into a large buildinpublic thread.