▲ ▼ Find statistical data quickly for writing blog
I'm a freelance writer for several different clients. They all want me to add statistical data to my blog posts.
But it takes forever to find accurate ones that aren't from like 2002. I'm looking for a tool to help me quickly find statistical data for the content without wasting so much time.
The ideal tool would be a list of relevant stats and low-cost for my freelance budget.
This issue has been really bugging me. @Shweta and @Abishek, your conversations inspired me to do a little digging.
I did try Statista again, but ended up using this tool PrimoStats to help me.
Can you give specific example for what data you were looking for in Statista and what you found in https://primostats.com/stats/ so it can make sense to those who are reading this discussion.
I'm seeking stats from surveys/research studies from major industry brands. I waste a lot of time downloading free reports to find stats for blog posts.
Statista gives broad stats and I don't need all those charts. So far, I like how PrimoStats just gives you a stat and you can cite the source and download the report if you like.
I'm testing the platform now. I'll report back with a full review.
What are stats do you expect? Like site visits for public display?
I'm referring to marketing stats. The ones you find in white papers, ebooks, etc. from research studies.
Oh, You are asking for statistics data for the content of your blog like those from Statista, Pew research, YouGov etc. Those are some of the easily accessible statistics data, often free or for a small fee. There are number of other statistics agencies which offer data for significant fee to the corporates.
You said 2002, So was it some specific topic for which you couldn't find latest statistical data?
P.S. @Moderator , I think the problem statement should be updated.
Yes, I tried Statista. It can be hard to look it up. Marketing topics, specifically.
It doesn't even need to be that involved. I just need something simple.
Simple design requires such complexity inside. If manually searching for statistical data is the problem, Then automating it is the solution.