▲ ▼ Smart power strip which communicates with phone
Devices which are connected to the power strips draw power even when they are not in use, experts say this standby power consumption in an average home ranges from 5 percent to 10 percent of household energy consumption. It supposedly accounts for 1 percent of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions.
Current smart power strips available on the market address this by cutting off power supply when the demand for power reduces there by signifying that the device is in standby mode. This works well for devices without battery e.g. Television, Music System etc. But, a smartphone would begin charging again at 99% thereby triggering power demand on the power strip frequently.
Smartphones and other similar devices with batteries have overcharging protection so they cutoff power demand at 100%, when the power depletes to 99% the charging would be resumed again. I would want a smart power strip which gets realtime battery statistics from the smartphone and cut off power supply when the optimum battery level is reached e.g. 80% and automatically start power supply again when the battery has reached low level e.g. 40%.
iOS has HomeKit automation via the Shortcuts app. Perhaps creating an event-driven Shortcut which sends a notification to a smart switch (which the power strip is connected through) on the desired battery level could tell the power strip to turn off/on.
iOS 13 supposedly cuts off charging at 80% when charged overnight and resumes before our perceived wakeup time to give us 100% charge - https://www.howtogeek.com/423451/how-ios-13-will-protect-your-iphones-battery-by-charging-to-80/ . Although this is better than earlier methods, this still isn't as optimal the smart power strip which gets realtime battery stats and charging plan from the smartphone.