▲ ▼ Writing faster on Mac
Every day, we write a lot of things, such as emails and blogs. According to a McKinsey analysis, the average professional spends 28% of the work day reading and answering email. Not to mention the time needed to write blogs for content creators. A lot of AI-based SaaS tools are costlier. There is a gap between Grammarly and AI writing tools. A simple tool that runs on our Mac system and helps us with writing would be a good addition.
To address this problem, I have built Elephas
It is a writing app powered by GPT-3, It can help you write faster across different applications (like Google docs, Notes, Gmail, Word, and etc.) Features include,
* Grammar fixes
* Sentence rewrites
* Blog writing
* Email writing
* Translation support
You can use your own OpenAI keys, which means we don't store your content.
I may work on Windows and Linux versions. My goal for now is to test how it is received with Mac users. Elephas reduces the friction to use AI writing by sitting on your OS instead of an external service.