▲ ▼ A mail client for e-ink screens
love reading on my e-ink tablet. And
I love email newsletters. But you know what I don't love? Scrolling
through a newsletter on an e-ink screen. Scrolling isn't fun on e-ink,
Most e-ink-friendly apps do away with scrolling by using page-turning (Pocket, Kindle) or tap-to-scroll (EinkBro, Wallabag).
weirdly, there doesn't seem to be a mail client that supports those
features. Someone make one please! I'd love to easily read my
newsletters on my favorite screen!
Which tablet are you using? I use a kobo, for instance and I can imagine it may be possible utilising frameworks such as nickelmenu, etc.
I'm using the Likebook P6, running Android. So I think someone would have to build this function into their Android app.