▲ ▼ Searching YouTube videos with transcript
When I have to search something within a YouTube video, I 'Open transcript' from the menu and search with 'Control + F' for the term I'm looking for and then click the same if found in the transcript for skipping to that part in the video.
I searched for an add-on which can do that automatically and found this - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keyword-search-in-youtube/dpadfnjbfalopginhcmmmccpfdaofjco?hl=en; but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
After reading from the comments, it seems that there could be a need gap for such a tool.
The Youtube Transcript Search chrome extension does exactly what you're looking for.
I've installed the linked extension and it seems to work. I was able to open a random video ( a TED talk ), search for some words and jump to that time in the video
It just shows 'Loading ...' to be, Perhaps it does work for some videos but considering it's not been updated for several years now and that YouTube keeps changing I don't think it's reliable.
https://you-tldr.com/ is what you are looking for.
Sorry, that isn't what I was looking for. I don't need tl;dr but an easy way to search YouTube videos using their transcription but without having to manually access the transcription.
What you're looking for is this chrome extension: Youtube Transcript Search.