You should strongly consider not purchasing individual stocks and instead look for broad index-funds/ETFs. An example would be the excellent MSCI World ETF. Basically, this means that MSCI will purchase many individual stocks for you, simply based on their market capitalization. This minimizes risks as no single company failing will impact your portfolio a lot, while also assuring that you get a tiny portion of any upside of any company included in the index. has this as a feature. You can type rd [something] into your address bar and it'll show results from your raindrop bookmark library
You should strongly consider not purchasing individual stocks and instead look for broad index-funds/ETFs. An example would be the excellent MSCI World ETF. Basically, this means that MSCI will purchase many individual stocks for you, simply based on their market capitalization. This minimizes risks as no single company failing will impact your portfolio a lot, while also assuring that you get a tiny portion of any upside of any company included in the index.
Needless to say, this is not financial advice. has this as a feature. You can type rd [something] into your address bar and it'll show results from your raindrop bookmark library