• Here is the link to MyTabs should OP want to check it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mytabs-browser-tab-manage/mlbdfdoalijmfolfecgofiajombemecf

    Upon reading your post again, I realized your issue isn't even with recovering previous bookmarks. I apologize for that. I'd also like to add that MyTabs isn't just for short term preservation of tabs. You can use it to store and manage any tab/webpage url over the long term.

    Your issue is with going through all of the bookmarks that you have saved. Although I believe MyTabs can serve you better in terms of ease of use and user-friendliness, we haven't rolled out our planned snooze/schedule feature yet. For that Spekulatius' recommendation of an extension that allows you to set a timer for pages to open automatically would be a good solution.

    One below, from spekulatius is for firefox. Here is the one I found for chrome:


    If you would like something that reminds you automatically without you having to set a time, let me know. We can discuss what that might look like and maybe I can build it.


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