I wanted to read an article in the economist associated with their podcast, I got some details from the podcast description(There were no links there). Here are the results from different search engines -
DDG, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is a 2020 article about how proteins fold [https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2020/11/30/how-do-proteins-fold], Related to my query but not the result I wanted.
Brave Search, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is a 2019 article about Deepmind and Google with a mention of protein folding [https://www.economist.com/1843/2019/03/01/deepmind-and-google-the-battle-to-control-artificial-intelligence], Not the result I wanted.
Google, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is from Aug 2022 titled "How artificial intelligence cracked biology’s biggest problem" [https://www.economist.com/alphafold-pod], Which was exactly what I wanted.
In this case Google got me the best result purely because I wanted the latest result, But the results from DDG might have better content and the podcast article links to it.
In this case Google got me the best result purely because I wanted the latest result, But the results from DDG might have better content and the podcast article links to it.