• I wanted to read an article in the economist associated with their podcast, I got some details from the podcast description(There were no links there). Here are the results from different search engines -

    DDG, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is  a 2020 article about how proteins fold [https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2020/11/30/how-do-proteins-fold], Related to my query but not the result I wanted.

    Brave Search, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is a 2019 article about Deepmind and Google with a mention of protein folding [https://www.economist.com/1843/2019/03/01/deepmind-and-google-the-battle-to-control-artificial-intelligence], Not the result I wanted.

    Google, "economist deep mind 3 dimensional protein", First result is from Aug 2022 titled "How artificial intelligence cracked biology’s biggest problem" [https://www.economist.com/alphafold-pod], Which was exactly what I wanted.

    In this case Google got me the best result purely because I wanted the latest result, But the results from DDG might have better content and the podcast article links to it.
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