▲ ▼ Weekly review of high profile startup lawsuits
I would like weekly updates on high profile startup legal cases and it seems there are others who would like it too.
It's getting hard to track who is suing who, updates on countersuits and legal settlements as lawsuits have become part of the business strategy.
I feel a weekly email news letter would be an appropriate medium for delivering weekly review of high profile startup lawsuits.
I'm thinking of where I could to see if there's a market for this idea. Do you all frequent in Subreddits where you think others might have interest in a weekly review of startup lawsuits?
How would this look for you all ideally?
Should it focused solely on Startup cases or any high profile cases in Tech?
I think such law suits in Tech would be a subset of either Startups or established companies, I would prefer the former personally. Like how Epic Games vs Apple is covered in mainstream media, but there are thousands of other lawsuits involving less known startups.
So news like this? https://resource-recycling.com/plastics/2020/11/11/loop-industries-challenged-by-setbacks-and-legal-strife/ https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/wework-s-chief-legal-officer-berrent-is-in-talks-to-depart https://www.vindy.com/news/local-news/2020/11/lmc-responds-to-contract-lawsuit/
Like this - https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/latest , But for lawsuits.
Here's an example email we wrote up. Is this what you were going for? https://legalbrew.substack.com/p/dc-attorney-general-sued-doordash?r=bgpir&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy
Hey that was good, is it just for U.S. startups are are you planning to cover other countries? Look at this where a startup sued individuals - https://techcrunch.com/2020/11/22/whitehat-jrs-founder-files-2-6m-defamation-suit-against-critic/ .
Hey, thanks. I could definitely cover other countries as well.
Right now it's just a summary of a random article and there is nothing else to comment upon other than may be the quality of the summarization, which seems nice.
A more professional and regular effort might make this successful.
Great, weekly summary of different lawsuits and any new updates, preferably related to high profile startups. You're busy and need the gist of what's going on. Ideally how many summaries or reviews would you like to see in one newsletter?
Ok, got it. What sources if any have you found news about the lawsuits of less known startups?
Would it just be USA startups or global?
Less known startups - None, high profile - TechCrunch. But there are other legal affairs news letters like 'The Marshall Project' - https://www.themarshallproject.org/ which deals with the U.S. criminal justice system specifically.
Similarly there is https://www.livelaw.in/ in India, but not in-depth stories but just news on legal affairs in the country and of course not focussed on startups @KeMonte .
As an advocate who is interested in the startup ecosystem, I would like this as well.