▲ ▼ Finding qualified tutor near home
Last time, I've talked with another user about an idea of a free problem solver ( /problems/291 ) and it turned out that this idea would cause more harm than good for a lot of students. Instead, I focused on the need of providing better education for everyone (like students from all grades and also family members who want to educate their children but don't have time to do so).
There is a need for an app which can help people find a qualified tutor near their home and help them understand the topic easily and students will feel more confident and prepared before taking whatever exam they are going to take. Moreover, tutors can make extra money by helping students to understand topics better.
Feedback is appreciated!
As a solution, I made a prototype in which you can check the professors available to you in your area, a chat option to use when we want to talk with said tutor and a profile showing your topics you want to understand better.
Here's the link for the prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/zPt1y5c6hqo1Ca8uEzccYd/Shinestar?t=SHGSdkrn5PnMBnoK-6
Any feedback is appreciated! :)
Sorry for not noticing that I can't make part 2s of a problem, I have not noticed this rule before.
The people who need this are students who want to feel more confident and prepared for the exam, family members who can't help their children because they are too busy and tutors who want to do this as a side-hustle.