▲ ▼ Better employee verification system
Recently I had cleared an interview from a large organisation and all that was pending was verification on my previous employment. The verification was conducted by a 3rd party and they sent email to all my past employers. My very first employer (5 years back) had since shutdown the company and in-spite of personally vouching for me to the verification company; they didn't accept it because it wasn't from their official email id.
The communication from that employer wasn't from official email id because the THE COMPANY HAD SHUT DOWN, the verification company kept insisting that my employer verify via official email id. The incompetence of the verification company in not knowing how email domains work has nearly cost my job.
If an email domain is all what it takes to verify, then how is it even properly verified? I think there is a need gap for better employee verification system.
Hi, I have developed a platform that you can collect verifications from current employer and colleagues, software provides a professional profile based on verifications which you can use to apply for new jobs. Check it out https://verified.so
Hey thanks for letting me know, how does it address the problem I have mentioned such as company ceasing to exist anymore?
It is one of the obstacles of employment verification: company shut down. To prevent current employment from being unverifiable in the future, we came up with the startup idea of EmployProof.org. It is an open registry where a verified employee (again using work email authentication) can create a timestamp, and the timestamp can serve as an employment proof to future employers.
That looks like a solution to what I was telling, great! But, it can be only useful if an Employer accepts this. How are you going to make that happen?
Potential employers can check the existence of timestamp in the open registry of EmployProof.org. Security measures are deployed to prevent any tampering of the timestamp record, so that potential employers can confidently relying on the timestamp as an employment proof of the candidate.
But of course, we need to attract more users in the first place.
If employee verification can be done by employer by using such tool without any 3rd party intervention it would be great but associating with a verification company may be mandatory to take this off; are you guys a screening company(says operated by one in FAQ)?
Verification by email id alone was exactly the trouble OP mentioned? How do you plan on mitigating domain hijacking or buying the domain after the Business has closed?
A bit of background. EmployProof.org is operated by PSH, an education and employment verification platform. We do not run verifications directly. We provide tools (free or paid) to faciliate the work of HR and screening professionals. EmployProof.org will remain a free application and public accessible.
If someone attmepts to create false record in the registry, he needs to hack into the employer's email system and create a new email address with his name. It is very much difficult, and most importantly it is a criminal offence.
Also, no retrospective record could be created. Buying a formerly used company domain can only create recent record, and it is easy to spot such fake record.
We do not send remainder to users by email. Users are recommended to create timestamps at regular intervals, especially at the beginning and at the end of employment. Multiple timestamps can indicate the timeframe of employment.
An update about our startup EmployProof.org, which could be a solution for employment verification in case of company shutdown. We made an animated video explaining why and how to create a timestamp using work email address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0UrRKDoIKE
How many have used this as the only proof to land a job or is there any company which has agreed to accept this as a proof?
Thanks. We have no statistics as to the number of candidates using timestamp to support his/ her claim of working experience. It can serve as a proof of “being employed at that particular time”, but for position held or work performance the new employer might choose to inquire further.
It will be much encouraging to our team to know, if a candidate can get a job which would have otherwise lost. As illustrated in the video, to safeguard from those helpless situations, a candidate can simply add an extract line of work email address (timestamped) for a past employment in the resume.
I'm sorry, but I don't see how is it better than just a LinkedIn profile? Besides, LinkedIn profile gives a lot more information and employers actually want the LinkedIn profile of the candidate for interviewing; at-least for those with professional education degrees.
The purpose of this discussion is to look for a better employee "verification" system. LinkedIn profiles are informative, but just like resumes how can we know if the work experience or education are real or not? LinkedIn does not ask for any proof when we create a profile.
It looks like that verification firm don't have any standard operating procedure to deal which companies which has been shut down. The legal validity for a firm can be checked in several ways even if the company had been shut down.